The Client
The client, Simply Education (with whom we have worked for 10 years, since they started up), has become a very successful teacher recruitment agency, developing with us as a start up in 2006 and growing to a £17M turnover and around 100 staff.
The Brief
To help with their own staff recruitment, as well as a reward for their existing staff, Freetimers was asked to develop a bespoke high quality responsive website, with new branding consistent with the parent company's, a dynamic current vacancies area, and exciting case studies showing the career progression of some current employees. The site was also to have large custom banners and be fully content manageable so the client could regularly update it.

The Process
First, in consultation with the client, we developed a new logo, but we also felt a theme was needed for the website to lighten the feel, inject a bit of fun, and convey how the staff loved their jobs and were the best in their field for their type of recruitment. We brainstormed concepts and came up with a 'Recruitment Super Hero' approach, eventually morphing into 'Simply Super Ed' as the main character pervading the website, as well as bylines such as 'Become Simply Super', 'Simply Brilliant' and more.

The Results
The client was very enthusiastic about the 'Simply Super' ideas and the new related branding, agreeing for us to proceed with building the site. The website was built quickly, utilising the new branding and bylines throughout, and has been very successful in attracting and motivating staff.
Finally, the branding ideas were so successful, the client now plans to roll it out throughout their main business.